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Breast Augmentation Surgical Instrument Set
Breast Augmentation Set

All  Instruments  are hand forged  for improved performance and durability and  made in premium  Japanese steel

The  set is supplied in a soft case

The set  contain the following

1 x Knife Handle No 3

1 x Halsted Mosquito Forceps curved

4 x Metzenbaum Scissors curved

1 x Gorney Freeman Scissors curved

1 x Mayo Scissors straight

1 x Iris Scissors, TC straight

1 x Yankauer Suction Tube

1 x Frazier Suction Tube 12 FR

1 x Adson Dressing Forceps

1 x Adson Tissue  Suture Forceps 1 x 2 teeth tying platform

1 x Brown-Adson Forceps 9 x 9 teeth

1 x Tissue Forceps 1 x 2 teeth

1 x Dressing Forceps serrated

1 x Freeman Areola Marker 38mm

1 x Freeman Areola Marker 42mm

1 x Freeman Areola Marker 45mm

1 x Freeman Areola Marker 50mm

1 x McKissock Breast Marker 38mm Keyhole pattern

1 x McKissock Breast Marker 42mm Keyhole pattern

1 x McKissock Breast Marker 45mm Keyhole pattern

1 x Mayo-Hegar Needle Holder TC

1 x Webster Needle Holder TC smooth jaws

1x Halsey Needle Holder TC smooth jaws

1 x McKissock Mammaplasty Caliper

1 xSpatula Breast Dissector

1 xWalther Sound 32FR

1 x Silverstein Breast Dissector

2 x Joseph Hook sharp

1 x Senn Retractor sharp

1 x US Army Retractor 2-set

1 x Freeman Retractor 4 prong

1 x Pediatric Ribbon Retractor malleable

1 x Ferreira Fiber Optic Retractor

1 x Deaver Fiber Optic Retractor

1 x TebbetsFiber Optic Retractor with teeth
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[Product Code] Product Name ImageUnit Price Unit Price
(Inc. VAT)
Breast Augmentation Surgical Instrument Set

  • Breast Augmentation Surgical Instrument Set Breast Augmentation Surgical Instrument Set
    Breast Augmentation Surgical Instrument Set
£ 474.00
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