General Surgical Instrument Large Set
Instruments supplied in the set to cover almost any general surgery need
The Set is made from high quality stainless steel ,precision crafted from high grade Japanese steel that is corrosion resistance.
All our Surgical Instruments are Accredited to ISO 9001:2000 and are CE marked in accordance with the Medical Devices Directive.
All Surgical Instruments are also cGMP (FDA) Certified
The Set includes
5 xRampley Sponge Forceps
10 x Mayo Towel Clip
5 x Instrument Pins
1 x Lane or Bickford Plain Dissecting Forceps
1 xLane or Bickford Dissecting Forceps 1 x 2 Teeth
1x Waugh Dissecting Forceps Size 8 Plain
1 xWaugh Dissecting Forceps Size 8 1 x 2 Teeth
1 x Gilles Dissecting Forceps
1 x McIndoe Dissecting Forceps
5 x Halstead /Dunhill Artery ForcepsCurved
5 x Crile Forceps Curved
10 x Spencer Wells Forceps Straight 7, 5 Cairn
5 x Moynihan Cholecystectomy Forceps
2 x Allis Tissue Forceps
2 x Babcock Tissue Forceps
2 x Duval Tissue Forceps
2 x Lane /Littlewood Tissue Forceps
2 xB.P Handle No. 4
2x B.P Handle No. 3
1x Mayo Needle Holder size 6
1 x Mayo Needle Holder size 8
1x Naunton Morgan Needle Holder
2x Mayo Straight Scissors size 6
2x Mayo Curved Scissors size 6
1 x McIndoe Scissors
2 x Stitch Scissors
2 x Metzenbaum, Scissors
1x Nelson Scissors
1 xRobins Anchoring
1 xDiathermy 7 Plain Dissecting Forcep
1 xDiathermy 7 Toother Dissecting Forcep
1 xDiathermy Lead
1 xDiathermy Quiver
1 xPoole or Yankauer Sucker
1 xSinus Forceps Size 7
1 xMacDonald Dissector
1 xWatson Cheyne Dissector
1 xVolkmann Scoop
1 xProbe 8
1 x Aneurysm Needle
2 x Langenbeck Large Retractor
1x Morris Retractor
2x Kelley Retractor
1 xTravers Retractor
1 x Instrument Case |
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[Product Code] Product Name |
Image | Unit Price |
Unit Price (Inc. VAT) |
Large General Instrument Set
 Large General Instrument Set