In-Check DIAL G16 Inhaler Training Device
In-Check DIAL G16 enables healthcare professionals to coach patients to use their inhalers correctly
The device measures peak inspiratory flow rate and can simulate the resistance characteristics of the specific inhaler of a patient providing the device is set on the correct setting
The patient can then be trained to inhale at a flow rate known to be suitable for their personal DPI or pMDI
The former In-Check DIAL has been revised now grouping inhalers as a function of their internal airflow resistance in order to accommodate information on the new devices
There are six resistance groups five of which relate to dry powder inhalers (DPIs) and one of which to pressurised metered dose inhalers (pMDIs)
A guide to identify the resistance group for each inhaler is provided on the In-Check DIAL and on the associated guide
The ability to use In-Check DIAL to measure specific flow rate of a particular inhaler can still be achieved through the use of a specific restrictive adapter An example adapter is now included in the pack
The In-Check Dial G16 device can be used for a single patient or by multiple patients in which case disposable one way valve inspiratory mouthpieces will be required.
- To coach DPI or pMDI inhaler technique
- Individually calibrated for accuracy
- Easy to clean, by simple washing
- Patients learn to inhale at the correct flow rate
- Inhaler training can be conducted quickly
- Low-cost, simple yet effective method of inhaler technique training
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Clement Clarke In-Check DIAL G16
 Clement Clarke In-Check DIAL G16