Sexual Healthcare Products
We provide drug free, self treatment products by Owen Mumford to help overcome sexual health problems including impotence and dyspareunia.
This range includes sexual healthcare products for both male and female sexual health concerns.
The impotence management products available include vacuum therapy products, which combat erectile dysfunction, physical causes may include narrowing of the blood vessels going to the penis – commonly associated with high blood pressure cholesterol or diabetes hormonal problems
For information on erectile dysfunction,please click on the link
The vaginal dilators available can provide the means for self treatment for post pelvic radiotherapy adhesions and scarring, and also allows women to take an active role in their treatment of dyspareunia and other sexual disorders such as vaginismus, in the privacy and comfort of their own home.
For information on vaginismus and dyspareunia,please click on the link
Our sexual healthcare products will be dispatched in discreet packages.
We offer a more extensive range of blood sexual healthcare products for home use at omega healthcare shop-link as below
This range includes sexual healthcare products for both male and female sexual health concerns.
The impotence management products available include vacuum therapy products, which combat erectile dysfunction, physical causes may include narrowing of the blood vessels going to the penis – commonly associated with high blood pressure cholesterol or diabetes hormonal problems
For information on erectile dysfunction,please click on the link
The vaginal dilators available can provide the means for self treatment for post pelvic radiotherapy adhesions and scarring, and also allows women to take an active role in their treatment of dyspareunia and other sexual disorders such as vaginismus, in the privacy and comfort of their own home.
For information on vaginismus and dyspareunia,please click on the link
Our sexual healthcare products will be dispatched in discreet packages.
We offer a more extensive range of blood sexual healthcare products for home use at omega healthcare shop-link as below
*** The category listing arranged alphabetically by name.