Welch Allyn Ophthalmoscopes Designed With Longevity and Precision In Mind
Welch Allyn Ophthalmoscopes
The Welch Allyn Ophthalmoscope is designed and manufactured with precision and longevity in mind.
The optical tube is constructed of chrome-plated brass enabling precise alignment and aiding long life.
The glass condensing lens, objective lens, aperture dial assembly and red-free/polarizer assembly and lamp are sealed within the metal optical tube.
The aperture dial is mounted onto the metal optical tube to maintain the precise alignment.
If the instrument is dropped or otherwise misused, the alignment is not affected.
The Welch Allyn Ophthalmoscope is designed and manufactured with precision and longevity in mind.
The optical tube is constructed of chrome-plated brass enabling precise alignment and aiding long life.
The glass condensing lens, objective lens, aperture dial assembly and red-free/polarizer assembly and lamp are sealed within the metal optical tube.
The aperture dial is mounted onto the metal optical tube to maintain the precise alignment.
If the instrument is dropped or otherwise misused, the alignment is not affected.
*** The category listing arranged alphabetically by name.